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Gray Gazette

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The staff, parents, students and community associated with this school welcome you into the school community. We trust that your time spent with us will be personally satisfying and rewarding.

We acknowledge that schools vary in philosophy and practice. We also acknowledge that students are unique individuals. Parents are invited to speak with School Leadership and peruse this website in determining whether Gray Primary School programming and operations are suitable for your children's educational needs.

Gray Primary School offers an Early Learning Centre for Preschool and Transition students.  We also have exciting and innovation Early Childhood (Years T - 2) and Primary School (Years 3 - 6) education programs. The School Leadership invites you to talk to us regarding educational advice for your child and to organise an enrolment interview.

Our purpose is to provide quality education services for all enrolled students in our great school. Communication between home and school is regarded as being very important. You are encouraged to let us know when you are pleased about things happening in our school, ideas for improving the school and to discuss concerns with us to seek understanding of the way in which this quality educational institution functions.

It is important to remember that our school is your school and that your children benefit from your active involvement in school life and in the fostering of a positive home-school partnership. We look forward to working with you in partnership to foster your children's learning and to help make Gray Primary School "The Best School in the Territory".

Donna Westaway